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Music Engraving; Book Design

Books and Sheet Music honoring their originals and their creators.

Presto makes sheet music and book design.

The scores are for countless types of music and are intended for customers and composers very varied, such as scores for solo instruments, chamber ensembles, bands, orchestras, voices, whether in traditional notation, old, graphic or electroacoustic.


Among other notable musicians who we work with or for, we highlight Achille Picchi, Almeida Prado, André Mehmari, A. Carlos Gomes Arthur Rinaldi, Aylton Escobar, Daniele Gugelmo, Edmundo Villâni-Côrtes, Eduardo G. Álvares, Estêvão Marques, Flávio Oliveira, Gilberto Mendes, Harry Crowl, H. Villa-Lobos, J. M. Nunes Garcia, Leonardo Martinelli, maestro L. M. Gottschalk, L. F. Malheiro, maestro Marcelo de Jesus Marcos Mesquita, Mário Zaccaro, Mauro Muszkat, Osvaldo Lacerda, Paulino Chaves, Ronaldo Miranda, Vlaanderen Produções Culturais, maestro Vitor Gabriel, Xavier Bartaburu.


Presto designs books on its own and with partners.


Among the books we make both music engraving and graphic design, we highlight the Berklee College of Music’s books that were published in Brazil by Passarim Editora since 2015. These books were made in constant contact with the client, who provided useful feedback for the good accomplishment of those works that already had and continue having a positive impact on the music teaching and learning in Brazil.


And among the books we have made with partners, we highlight the partnership with the famous and avant-garde Rio de Janeiro design and fashion agency Oestudio, with which we have made, among other works:

  • Anima Mundi’s animation festival catalogs;

  • art catalogs of private collectors;

  • books for the Vital Brazil Institute;

  • many CD booklets.


And even diagramming and creation of sites, among which we highlight those made:

  • for the singer Daúde;

  • for the singer-songwriter Jay Vaquer;

  • and for the internationally awarded pianist Cristian Budu.

A Presto faz partituras e design de livros.

As partituras são de incontáveis tipos de música, e destinam-se a clientes e compositores muito variados, como: partituras para instrumentos solo, conjuntos de câmara, bandas, orquestras, vozes, seja em notação tradicional, antigo, grafista ou eletroacústica.

Dentre outros músicos notáveis que trabalhos com ou para, destacamos Achille Picchi, Almeida Prado, André Mehmari, A. Carlos Gomes Arthur Rinaldi, Aylton Escobar, Daniele Gugelmo, Edmundo Villâni-Côrtes, Eduardo G. Álvares, Estêvão Marques, Flávio Oliveira, Gilberto Mendes, Harry Crowl, H. Villa-Lobos, J. M. Nunes Garcia, Leonardo Martinelli, maestro L. M. Gottschalk, L. F. Malheiro, maestro Marcelo de Jesus Marcos Mesquita, Mário Zaccaro, Mauro Muszkat, Osvaldo Lacerda, Paulino Chaves, Ronaldo Miranda, Vlaanderen Produções Culturais, maestro Vitor Gabriel, Xavier Bartaburu.

A Presto faz design de livros sozinha e com parceiros.

Entre os  livros que fizemos solo, destacamos os livros da Berklee College of Music que foram publicados no Brasil pela Passarim Editora.

E entre os livros que fizemos com parceiros, destacamos a parceria com a famosa e vanguardista agência carioca de design e moda Oestudio, com a qual fizemos, entre demais trabalhos:

  • catálogos do festival de animação Anima Mundi;

  • catálogos de arte de colecionadores particulares;

  • livros para O Instituto Vital Brazil

  • muitos encartes de CD.


E até diagramação e criação de sites, dentre os quais destacamos os feitos para:

  • a cantora Daúde;

  • o cancionista e cantor Jay Vaquer;

  • o internacionalmente premiado pianista Cristian Budu.

© Presto, 2005–2024

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